Monday, November 06, 2006

Elections Tommorrow

Because I am working at one of the voting places tommorrow, I did a walk-in vote last week.

1) I already re-elected Linda Lingle for governor. Hawaii's economy is a lot better under Lingle than it was under Ben Cayetano

2) There's thousands of people who say "why should I vote, it's not like it's gonna matter!"

If those thousands of people voted, it could make a BIG difference. You got to be part of a collective sometimes. People got to pull together. Just like us spending money affects the economy. I dont hear anyone say "why should I spend money, not like it's gonna matter!"

In a democracy, people get to choose their leaders. Do you want someone to chose the leaders for you?

If you are eligible to vote, but don't, then don't complain when there's a new law that you don't like! You had your chance to choose your leaders, but you didn't! You let others chose the leaders! You let others tell you what to do!

3) Some liberal Democrats say that the voter ID laws passed by many states is discriminatory because lower-income people & non-whites are less likely to have an ID.

This is how I responded to that article!

Here in Hawaii, ( a mostly Democrat state) people need an ID to vote and no one is complaining.

Democrats shouldn't be complaining about the ID requirement, they should just encourage their fans to get their IDs. They should've done this MONTHS AGO!

And stop this race crad, class card stuff already.

I am part Latino and I dont make much money, but I got my ID a long time ago. Everyone should get one! It's not a race or class thing! It's a common sense thing!

4) Michael J Fox made a few ads supporting Democrat candidates, citing their support of federally-funded stem-cell research!

Rush Limbaugh was mocking Michael J Fox, saying that his symptons shown on camera was faked, and claimed it was politically motivated.

If Limbaugh believes that medical research ought to be done in the private sector instead of by government, why didn't he just say that? Why did he pick on Michael J Fox?

5) John Kerry said to an audience at a California college, that if you don't study, you could end up stuck in Iraq. Kerry was implying that those who don't do well in school, end up with less options and more likely to resort to joining the military.

But many military officers had a college education!

John Kerry said he was saying a "botched joke" about President Bush! I think Kerry should stop trying to be funny, since that's not his main strength!