Thursday, August 17, 2006

Editing Films for Content

Some conservatives who are disgusted by movies with lots of violence and sex have re-edited films to delete such scenes without permission!

So ironic, since conservatives (who supposedly hate the entitlement mentality) start claiming that they're entitled to "cleaned-up edited" version of popular films!

1) don't like it? Don't watch it!

2) you can't always escape ideas you don't like anyways! What next, avoiding anyone who thinks differently from you?

3) I make my art the way I want to! If you don't like it, make your own art!

4) Maybe I should edit those conservative films so as to not offend the liberal sensibilities of the Blue States. You know, take out scenes critical of affirmative action, homosexuality, abortion, etc. Take out scenes promoting abstinence and resisting drug use. Then we'll see how conservatives feel about editing (censoring) films.

Maybe we could re-edit "Passion of the Christ" with it's violent scenes.

5) Or just go along with #1 "don't like it? Dont watch it!"