Wednesday, March 29, 2006

The Immigration Hysteria

This past weekend, in LA, Phoenix and other US cities, people were protesting the anti-immigration laws being proposed in the US Congress.

Now, the warriors of conservative correctness are again, putting out their lame arguments. I'll break them down here


Lame Argument #1 - Illegal aliens broke a law, so they deserve to be punished

Reality: Some laws deserve to be broken. The civil rights supporters in the 1950's broke the law when they protested segregation. The folks at Tianeman Sqaure in 1989 were breaking the law before they got smashed by tanks. Jesus Christ was breaking the law. That's why he got executed by the Romans. Yet, we all now consider those lawbreakers heroes.

My point is, some laws dont deserve to exist. Laws telling people where they can live don't deserve to exist.

Stop trying to over-manage people's lives!

By the way, did all those European conquerors have to fill out forms before invading Native American lands? NO! Yet, the descendants of the same Europeans are demanding that the new outsiders fill out stupid papers to come into a land that their ancestors stole from the Native Americans


Lame Argument #2 - Immigrants dont deserve to be here, since they dont act like native-born Americans

Reality: Ever observed how their kids act. I do. I work with those kids.

Those kids are into the same pop-culture trends as native-born American kids. Take a kid who arrived in the US when he/she was 5. Then deport that same kid when he/she is 16. That kid would NOT fit in with the peer culture of the country he/she was born.

I hear immigrants from Micronesia, Philippines and Samoa rapping along to the SAME EXACT SONGS that are topping the US charts! So dont give me this crap about immigrants not adjusting to American culture

Even if they don't follow American pop culture, SO WHAT? It's their choice! Mind your business!

My dad is from Mexico, and I cant even speak Spanish.

And I have cousins living in the LA metro area. Last time I visited them, they were living in a mostly Latino neighborhood. And I could easily talk to them in English. (Anti-immigration fascist didn't want you to know that)

And if the anti-immigration bunch were so correct in stating that Latinos don't want to learn English - then why do Jennifer Lopez, Fat Joe, Angelina, Pitbull, Lil Rob, Nino Brown, Frankie J, NB Ridaz , ALL rap or sing in English? Remember, these are all Latinos from US cities filled with Latinos. So dont give me this crap that Latinos dont want to learn English.

Yeah, I know, the reggaeton craze is coming to the US, and they all rap/sing in Spanish, but most of it's stars are from Puerto Rico, not the mainland US. If Daddy Yankee grew up in New York instead of Puerto Rico, he would be singing/rapping in English instead of Spanish.

And even if immigrants dont want to speak English, SO WHAT? Mind your own business!


Lame Argument #3 - Letting illegal aliens stay here is like letting a burglar stay in your house

Reality: That is such a stupid anology!

Americans are supposed to believe in private property. So if I want to hire illegal aliens to work or live on my property, it's none of your  business! You dont own my property, so dont bother to vote on what I can or cannot do with it! Mind your own  business!

Some also complain about illegal aliens committing violent crimes. He/she ought to be arrested for commiting that violent crime, not for choosing to live in America.

After all, Timothy McVeigh was NOT from Oklahoma! He's from Buffallo, New York. So, should we force New Yorkers to have certain documents in order to even visit Oklahoma?


Lame Arguement #4 - Immigrants take jobs from Americans.

Reality: If I opened a restaurant, and most of the people applying to work there are immigrants, dam friggin right most of the people I'd be hiring are going to be immigrants! Or should I have those stupid quotas (which conservatives used to complain about) saying what % of my workers ought to be native- born Americans.

Life is rough, getting a job isn't always so easy. Trust me, I know. There was a time in which I was unemployed for 5 months, and it can have an effect on finances and emotional well-being. But I was also (gasp) mature enough to not blame others (ie. The White Man, illegal aliens, etc) if I didn't get a job I applied for!

What next, do we stop importing foregin music to protect the $$$ of American musicians?

That would've meant banning the Beatles, Bob Marley, Shakira, AC/DC, Bryan Adams, Sean Paul, Sting, Rolling Stones, and all those other foreigners from selling their music in the US.