Thursday, December 22, 2005

Phony War on Christmas

All the Extreme Right-Wing Christian fanatics are crying about the so-called "War on Christmas".


All because some store employees say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas"

All because some people believe that the traditions of non-Christian religions ought to be celebrated too!

Those Right-Wing Christian fanatics complain about being persecuted because someone said "Happy Holidays", some woman's titties got exposed during Super Bowl half-time, because someone wanted a Pledge of Allegiance without forcing atheist to say "under God", because some want the traditions of Buddhists, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, etc to be honored!


In some nations around the world, people get imprisoned and even executed for being Christians. In some nations, Christians get raped, physically tortured and shot at! In some nations, terrorist bomb Christian churches. All just for being Christian.

This is what happens in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and other nations.

Yes, a lot of these occur in mostly Muslim nations. Christians who are escaping such conditions try to move to America. Yet, some so-called Christians wants to ban all immigrant from Mostly Muslim nations? Even those who are trying to escape them?

PS: I prefer saying "Merry Christmas" over "Happy Holidays", but that has nothing to with the Right Wing Christian fascists!