Wednesday, December 28, 2005

King Kong, Gender Roles, Insecurity

Extreme Right Wing Conservative Don Feder applauds the new King Kong movie for portraying stereotypical gender roles.

Here's my response to Don Feder's words


Feder:Feminism supposedly having liberated us from gender stereotypes, today’s heroines are emotionally androgynous. They compete with men, pursue them sexually – essentially, they are men (and not the better sort) with breasts and vaginas.

Pablo:This is so idiotic! So, a woman refusing to be excessively vulnerable is "man with breasts and vagina"? So women ought to be excessively vulnerable to the point where she's an easy target for abuse? If not, she's a "man with breast and vagina"? That's stupid!

Or is Feder such a weak man that he's intimidated by women who show signs of strength? Maybe he's a "woman with a penis and testicles" or as Arnold would say "a girlie man"


Feder:In a way, all men are King Kong: powerful, brooding, potentially destructive creatures waiting for a woman to touch our hearts and tame us.


There's a lot of men who are so passive, that it takes a stripper to even bring his wild side out! Otherwise, they're passive all day! And even in bed with a a woman, some men are passive!

And then there's men who have no internal interest in being tamed! The only thing they want from a woman is to conquer and rape her! No amount of tender-hearted-ness from a woman will ever tame them. Otherwise, there would be no domestic violence


Feder:And all women are Ann Darrow, simultaneously fragile and compelling, possessor of the magic to transform primitive males (monsters-in-waiting) into protectors and the builders of families and civilizations.

Pablo:Some women don't want to be around "primitive males" because they'd always be monsters, regardless!

Women as fragile? A large percentage of middle school girls dont even show a fragile side at all! They're gossipy and loud, ready to visciously put down anyone who don't meet their standards! I was once in middle school as a student and I work at middle schools now! So don't tell me otherwise!

In some cases, some wild, rowdy women are the ones get tamed by a man who is strong, suave and sensitive!


Conclusion: Feder is a weak, insecure man who is scared of women with any sense of inner strength. Feder is scared of women who are loud and expressive! Feder is not a real man! He hides that he's demanding traditional gender roles to mask his softness!

By the way, Feder reminds me of this one roommate I once had! And I told that room-mate his mind is in the 12th century. Then he stopping talking like Don Feder!