Thursday, October 27, 2005

Gun control fanatics defeated in Brazil

Gun control fanatics look at the USA for being the evil boogey-man for having the nerve to not ban guns.

Don't worry, USA has Brazil on it's side.

Associated Press
Oct. 23, 2005 03:00 PM

RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil - Brazilians soundly rejected a proposal to ban guns in a national referendum Sunday, striking down the bid to stem one of the world's highest firearm murder rates following a campaign that drew parallels to the U.S. gun control debate.

Thank you Brazilians. At least I know that citizens in other nations have some sense.

Here's what one Brazilian said.

"I'm don't like people walking around armed on the street. But since all the bandits have guns, you need to have a gun at home," said taxi driver Mohammed Osei, who voted against the ban.


The reason Americans and Brazilians are against a gun ban is because guns can be useful in self defense.

Criminals prey on the weak.
Not everyone is strong enough nor fast enough to fight off an extremely violent attacker! This is where handguns come in.

Someone try to rob you - you shoot them.

Someone try to rape you - you shoot them.

You CANNOT reason with a violent attacker.

Once the violence begins, time for negotiation is OVER!

Ideally, guns should be used as a last resort. Unfortunately, too many times, the last resort is all you have left!

But what about the police?

Analysts said the pro-gun lobby benefited from equal time on television in the final weeks of the campaign and that they cannily cashed in on Brazilian skepticism of the police."They ask the question: 'Do you feel protected and do you think the government is protecting you?' and the answer is a violent no," said political scientist David Fleischer of the University of Brasilia.

Violent bullies attack when the police aren't around!

By the time police arrive it's too late. You're either severely injured, killed, robbed or raped!

NRA (National Rifle Association) public affairs director Andrew Arulanandam called the proposal's defeat "a victory for freedom.""It's a stunning defeat for the global gun control movement. They poured millions of dollars and millions more man hours trying to enact this gun ban and they failed. The aim of this gun ban movement was to use Brazil as the rallying point to enact gun bans in the United States. We're happy they were defeated," he said

.Let's hope the NRA can help defeat gun control fanatics in the rest of Latin America, as well as Europe, Asia, Australia, and the rest of the world