Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Conflict over Gaza Strip

The Israelis and Palestinians have been fighting over land for 50+ years. This started because during the late 1800's/ early 1900's, many European Jews wanted to go back to their ancestral land. However, at the time, the Palestinian Arabs dominated what is now Israel.

After the 1st World War, the British took the land that is now Israel. Some Jews moved in. Then, in World War 2, Hitler invaded other European nations and killed many Jews there. After World War 2, the Jewish desire for land in Israel grew stronger. Many European Jews, traumatized by the Holocaust, moved to the British territory of Israel. In 1948, Israel became an independent Jewish nation.

Since 1948, there has plenty of land conflicts between Israeli Jews and Palestinian Arabs. In a recent deal, Palestinian Arabs take over Gaza Strip. All Israeli Jews have to leave.

That is wrong! If the Jews want to stay in Gaza Strip, let them. Let them live under the Palestinian Authority if they wish.

And if Palestinian Arabs want to live in Israel, let them!

This is the 21st Century already, stop the segregation already!