Saturday, March 05, 2005

Thanks for Nothing UH Radical Lefties

Even more evidence that the Ward Churchill lovers at UH gave Hawaii a negative rep.

As residents of California who visits your island every year, we are greatly saddened that the University of Hawaii has opened its arms to University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill. Your university has chosen to offer a platform to a man who is pushing hate and division.

[skipped a few paragraphs]

Now UH has showered him with love, as shown on the television here in California, with leis and chants of agreement. It has truly put UH in a different light for us.

We have always looked forward to attending a football game every October when we stay in Oahu. We always proudly display our Warrior shirts. So proud of being University of Hawaii fans. Not anymore. We are now ashamed to wear them.

Esther and Carl Belknap
Thousand Oaks, Calif.

However, the Radical Lefty nutcases at UH-Manoa don't care about the negative consequences UH and Hawaii in general recieved from inviting Ward Churchill to speak. People in the mainland have the wrong impression that Hawaii loves Ward Churchill, not understanding that 1) it was mainland-bred lunatics that invited Churchill to UHM and 2) the culture of restraint that many local Asians grew up in has protected Churchill from a barrage of boos and fists many feel like giving him and 3) fear of assault from Hawaiian sovereignty fascists and their lefty allies that also protected Churchill from a barrage of boos and fists.

Unfortunately, the action of the mostly white mainland-bred UH Radical Lefty profs has given mainlanders the impression that the large presence of Asians and Polynesians has made Hawaii "anti-American" and inviting to Ward Churchill. Unfortunately the white mainland-bred profs dont care about how their actions will hurt the reputation of Asians and Polynesians.

Another letter to Star Bulletin

Several years ago, I was speaking with one of our UH instructors. When I asked what he taught, he responded, "I teach the backside of American history." When I inquired what he meant by that, he said he taught the ugly side of America, the problems in America and the terrible things this country has stood for. I was incensed.

[skipped paragraphs]

The support of Churchill by some on the UH faculty reveals not their valuing of free speech, but their hatred for America. If Churchill's rantings serve to expose the radical teachings espoused on our campus and to awaken the populace, then it will have been worth all the commotion.

Ron Arnold


Why do profs insist that their jobs is to counter-balance Fox News anyways? That's not their job. Plus, for many working students, most of their info on current events comes NOT from Fox News, but from the Radical Lefty profs! So the profs are counter-balancing NOTHING! They're indoctrinating the students with anti-capitalist, anti-military, anti-American agenda