Saturday, March 26, 2005

Teri Schiavo

I haven't been commenting on Teri Schiavo because I'm one of those people who need to know the facts before making public commentary.

Let's go over some facts

- Teri Schiavo had bulimia. All those years of binging and puking led to a heart attack which led to brain damage

- Schiavo needs a tube to feed her

- Her husband wants to take out the tube

- Her parents disagree

-Schiavo has no written will

- As of now, the courts side with Teri Schiavo's husband and the tube is out.

As of this moment, looking at CNN website, Schiavo hasn't been declared dead yet.This is a hard case.When you are in such pain or if you're in an eternal coma, would you want to continue living? A lot of people wont. Some people would rather take a lethal injection.

Schiavo wasn't able to have a written will to tell others what she would prefer. Because of that, the controversy is here.

It seems to me that giving a lethal injection is illegal, while taking out a feeding tube is legal.If I have a fatal incurable disease, I'd rather be lethally injected instead of being starved & dehydrated over days (which is what's happening to Schiavo right now)

However, if Schiavo's parents want to take care of her, maybe Schiavo's husband should just give the parents custody.