Monday, November 01, 2004

Election Update

When I wrote that Ka Leo editorial (10/27/04),

I wrote that the 3rd party candidates inclued Micheal Badnarik (Libertarian) David Cobb (Green), RalphNader (independent) and Micehal Peroutka (Constitutional)

But in Hawaii, only Badnarik, Cobb as well as Bush and Kerry would be on the ballot!

And I also wrote that Ventura said he wouldn't vote for either Kerry or Bush! He did say that! However, weeks later, Ventura said he prefers Kerry!

I'll vote Badnarik (Libertarian) tommorrow for President, even though I dont agree with his agenda 100%. But check out his webpage

Though I did agree with Bush in getting rid of Saddam, and criticized the Left for their loony comments on this issue, I want to protect myself from a possible draft! Both Bush and Kerry promised not to have a draft! But one guy's dad said "read my lips", the other guy is even more well-known as a flip-flopper!

Plus on domestic issues, I tend to agree more with Badnarik than with Bush or Kerry!As I 've mentioned in my editorial

The Libertarian Party has Michael Badnarik. He is antiwar, wants to privatize many government services, wants to legalize marijuana, and wants a bigger tax reduction than Bush. He believes the federal government should stay out of the abortion and gay marriage issues.Republicans fear that the Libertarians take away potential voters worried about taxes, gun control and government bureaucracies. But the libertarians also out-liberalize the Democrats on the military draft, drug legalization and opposition to the Patriot Act.


In my opinion, the best minor candidate is the already-mentioned Michael Badnarik of the Libertarian Party. I agree with him on medical marijuana, abortion, same-sex marriage, guns and the draft. I hope he takes a gradual approach to privatizing certain government services. Going too fast on that can be a disaster;

The "privatize everything now" approach, will only lead to a mega-strong anti-privatization backlash! If privatization is done slowly, the anti-privatization opposition wouldn't be as strong! But MORE IMPORTANTLY, it gives the people time to adjust to privatization of services.