Monday, June 07, 2004

Ronald Reagan

Two days ago, America's 40th President, Ronald Wilson Reagan, died

I don't have much time to go over his presidency in details, so here I go!

I think that by calling the Soviet Union an "Evil Empire" and telling Gorbachev "tear down this wall", Reagan showed that he had guts to say the truth, regardless of the what politically correct fanatics think!

He gave American it's pride back and has built a strong military to back it up!

He lowered taxes, which allowed for more investment and made the economy a lot stronger!

He said that big government is the problem, and he is right, However, he didn't live up to his promise to dramatically reduce government spending or to privatize government services!

He was too closely aligned to the Religious Right! His War on Drugs didn't really work since it emphasized militarizing our police force and building prisons. Reagan should've do what Netherlands done, which is legalize marijuana and more emphasis on drug treatment. His jailing of drug addicts in same prisons with violent killers only made things worse!

He was right in standing up to the communists! He was right in fighting the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, invading Grenada and standing up to the Soviets.

Unfortunately, he viewed any "enemy of our enemy" as friends. He funded fascist governments that claimed to be "anti-communist". The 2 examples were South Africa and Iraq!

He funded South Africa's military durign the apartheid years when he should have told them to tear down the wall of aparthied. He also funded Saddam's military! We all know what Hussein did after that! Bushes had to clean up that mess!

Reagan should've been as tough on fascism as he was on communism.