Bill O'Reilly is at it again, going after Ludacris. First, O'Reilly started a boycott against Pepsi for having Ludacris in its ads. Ironically, no complaint when Ozzy Ossbourne was in its ads. But O'Reilly was succesful in get Pepsi to stop having Ludacris in its ads.
But here's where it gets strange. When the beer company Anheuser-Busch put Ludacris, again O'Reilly called for boycott! O'Reilly said that Ludacris lyrics encourage bad behavior.
But wait a minute! Doesn't Anheuser-Busch already contribute to bad behavior even before its association with Ludacris? Maybe, by uhhhh, selling alcohol! Especially when violence happens even more when people are drunk?
Why isn't O'Reilly calling for a boycott against Anheuser-Busch regardless of whether Ludacris appears in its ads?
Before anyone has the wrong impression, I'm NOT calling for a ban on alcohol, or Ludacris or Ozzy? I occassionally listen to the music of Ludacris and Ozzy!
I don't drink alcohol because it's harmful effects. But being that we have freedom of choice, we can't ban people from getting drunk! If they want to screw themselves, go ahead! Just dont get me involved!