Friday, December 19, 2003

Prez nominess

I know, I know, this blog is getting too political, but now that I have more time to update my blog, I'll just make another commentary about 2004

I'll go over what I think the weakness and strenghts are in those running for Prez in 2004! Those weakness and strengths are measured by what I think make or dont make a candidate one that I would vote for!

1) John Kerry

Strength : military service, risked his life in Vietnam, pro-choice
Weakness: confuses the public over whether he's for or against the war on Iraq! A man like that has no business running for President! Take a stand or get out of the way!
Kerry is also elitist who can't relate to the regular man, and a gun control fanatic!

2) Dean Gephardt

Strength : willing to get tough on Saddam, can relate to the working class types
Weakness: his anti-trade agenda does more harm than good

3) Howard Dean

Strength : though considered left, he has been able to relate to private sector types, entrepreneurs, etc. Allowed for civil unions for same-sex couples. Also, willing to let states decide their own gun laws, whereas previous Dems wanted the Feds to force excessive gun laws on all of us. Also, pro-Balanced Budgets, not afraid to cut spending when gov. of Vermont. Also, not afraid to criticize the so-called partial birth abotion bans.
Weakness : A HUGE ONE is his lack of enthusiasm for the capture of Saddam and the deserved death of Saddam's sons! A man like that has NO bizness being Prez! Plus, his idiotic comment on the Confederate flag, which patronizes Southern whites and alienates blacks.

4) Joe Lieberman

Strength : tough on Saddam, pro-welfare reform, pro-private sector
Weakness : holier than thou attitude, whines excessively about violent and sexual entertainment, flip-flopped on affirmative action due to political convenience.

5) Al Sharpton

Strength: someone who can put white liberals on the defensive, especially when white liberals claim to sympathize with non-whites, when what they do is patronize. Can relate to ghetto residents and has experience empowering them. Stood up to excessive police brutality and racial violence
Weakness:THE HUGE ONE is his statement on Bill O'Reilly's show 2 MONTHS B4 9/11, when Sharpton said there was no threat to national security. A person who says that at any time has NO BIZNESS being Prez. Also, supports affirmative discrimination AND has abused the race card. Plus, his big government proposals will break the bank!

6) Dennis Kucinnich

Strength : has came to campaign in Hawaii whereas most candidates ignore it. That shows his humility and respect.
Weakness: soft on America's enemies, excessively socialist proposals on health care, education, etc. will bankrupt the nation without improving anything! Also, changed his stance on abortion JUST WHEN HE DECIDED TO RUN FOR THE DEMOCRAT NOMINATION!

7) Carol Mosley-Braun

Strength: an alternative to Sharpton, forcing Sharpton to not to take blacks for granted. Only woman running!
Weakness: too cozy with ex-dictator of Nigeria, corruption charges, couldn't win re-election for Senate

8) Wesley Clark

Strength: military career, giving Dems a tougher image without compromising Democrat positions on issues, fought against genocide in Bosnia and Kosovo, though wasn't for war on Iraq, at least he had more enthusiasm for Saddam's capture than Howard Dean
Weakness: Was at a GOP fundraiser in 2001, and now he wants to be a Democrat? Yet he expects to be taken seriously?

9) John Edwards

Strength: stood up to Howard Dean on the Confederate flag comment, demands that coastal elites respect the South and the Heartland
Weakness: too cozy with trial lawyers who put out frivolous lawsuits!

10) George W. Bush

Couldn't leave out the Republicans

Strength: tough on Saddam and Al Quaida, allowed concealed weapons when gov. of Texas, not willing to the politically correct fanatics when it comes to foreign policy and the environment
Weakness: claims to be for smaller government while increasing spending on everything, unwilling to end an excessively punitive drug war policy, Ashcroft's hatred of civil liberites, too cozy with the Religious Right, too-anti-abortion!