Thursday, July 05, 2018

Forgiveness Fanatics and the Necessity of Revenge

note: This is a part of series of blog posts about the issue of excessive forgiveness

here are the previous blog posts on this topic

One of the most dangerous people out there are the forgiveness fanatics! Their demands that people forgive their abusers actually protects abusers from real accountability. The forgiveness fanatics are exactly what allows abusers to thrive! 

The forgiveness fanatics are viewed as gullible chumps by the abusers they protect! Abusers are well-versed in finding technicalities to use to protect themselves from accountability. Abusers are well-versed in finding gullible chumps to defend them in court and the media.

Forgiveness fanatics also spend WAY MORE TIME telling victimized people to forgive  their abusers than actually trying to hold abusers accountable. 

This INCREASES the psychological pain the victimized feel. Abusers KNOW THIS and therefore view forgiveness fanatics as useful idiots! 

The problem is that many forgiveness fanatics are soft-spoken and speak with spiritual voices, all of which makes people feel unearned guilt for expressing assertive disagreement with them. But it is their soft-spoken and spiritual sounding voices that allows evil to thrive

I dealt with one of those forgiveness fanatics with soft-spoken spiritual sounding voices in the DOE.

She was the principal of Palolo Elementary School (PES) when I was there as a para-professional tutor in Fall 2011! She is now one of those complex-area superintendents (they're in charge of the school principals within a certain district). 

I mentioned about my time at PES in the blog post "My battles at PES"

The principal's name was not mentioned in that blog post because she did try to help solve the problem, even though I already informed her of serious warning signs that she chose to overlook before I lashed out at that human scumbag & professional victim Nadine Chun.

Her name will be mentioned now!

That ex-principal turned complex-area superintendent real name is Ruth Silberstein.  She seems to be brainwashed into thinking excessive forgiveness will solve the world's problems, but in too many cases, it makes problems worse!

This Forgiveness Fanatic Ruth Silberstein begged me to erase the school's name from the blog post because she was worried about the school's reputation. The school's reputation is NOT my problem, that's her problem. If things happened on her watch, she has to own it! Remember, the taxpayers are paying for the staff at Palolo Elementary School, they deserve to know what goes on there, as well as to know about the belligerent actions of the human scumbag Nadine Chun.

This Forgiveness Fanatic  Ruth Silberstein then asked "what would your dad think about reading this blog post, I think he would be disappointed" She never even met my dad, so why does she care what he thinks? I'm already in my 30's, I don't have to care if my dad agrees with what I write!

By the way, my blog posts have been very critical about my father's parenting style. Why not?  I give ZERO mercy on my blogs to any psychologically abusive people, family included! 

[note: I already warned my parents that if I become famous, I would publicly criticize them in interviews. Now that I have a blog, I don't have to wait to be famous to publicly criticize them. Also, everything I mentioned about them on my blog, I already said to them either in written letters or in person at the therapist's office]

I asked This Forgiveness Fanatic Ruth Silberstein  if she knows if Nadine Chun read my blog. She replied  I'm "thinking too much about revenge"

Excuse me?

I think all this talk about "we shouldn't seek revenge" is a bunch of crap that is considered "deep stuff" to shallow people.

Sometimes, revenge is good.

Before anyone starts to misinterpret me,
 I  am  NOT advocating for drive-by shootings,
 I am NOT advocating for acts of terrorism,
 I am NOT advocating that Social Security #'s or home address be publicly revealed, 
I am NOT advocating for "revenge porn"
I am NOT advocating the spreading of false information.

But what I do advocate is publicly exposing other people's bullying behavior by mentioning their real names!  Mention  true details.  Expose their hypocrisy! Let the public know the truth!

 And stand your ground when the backlash comes. Those who publicly criticize you for no good reason? Use logic, reason, evidence, appropriate humor and intellectual depth against them.

What the forgiveness fanatics don't understand is some revenge is necessary in order for justice to take. Abusers love it when forgiveness fanatics preach against revenge because it protects abusers from well-deserved backlash! It protects abusers from being treated the same way they treat others. It protects abusers from being publicly exposed.

Abusers don't understand empathy, kindness or grace. They think that stuff is for wimps and gullible suckers. They only understand power, strength, fear and humiliation. They only learn when there's a public backlash after them.

The forgiveness fanatics and their preaching against "revenge" is what kept many victims of sexual abuse from publicly exposing their abusers. 

This is exactly what  enabled human scum like Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Russell Simmons and Kevin Spacey to find new unsuspecting victims to violate.

But now that those human scum have been exposed, they are now social outcasts. People now know to avoid being alone with Bill Cosby and others like him. Harvey Weinstein now knows that people are watching his every move and that he won't be getting away with what he's been getting away with for years. 

As for Nadine Chun, she has put on notice that her bullying ways no longer get her the results of the "good old days". She has been exposed as a child abuser! She has been exposed as a workplace bully that is impossible to reason with.  She has been exposed as a "paper tiger" that talks tough but runs to the police when aggressive responses come her way. She has been exposed as someone whom police, prosecutors and education bureaucrats don't take seriously when she files complaints against people who respond to her bullying tactics.  She has been exposed as a waste of taxpayer's money.

It is evil and satanic to protect human scumbags like Nadine Chun from public exposure. 

Ruth Silberstein, if you are reading this, please learn how the promotion of excessive forgiveness causes psychological damage to victims of abuse.  

You can start by reading the following blog posts, and MORE IMPORTANTLY also read the articles that I cited within the blog posts.