Monday, January 15, 2024

letter to Kaiser Permanente regarding quack psychologist Dr Mark Verschell


Last month, I wrote the following blog post regarding quack psychologist Dr. Mark Scott Verschell

and in the Christmas 2024 blog post, I pointed out that Dr. Verschell is a disciple of the devil.

Now, I have just faxed the following letter to Kaiser Permanente's Hawaii Grievance and Appeals Operations regarding Dr. Verschell

        From: Pablo Wegesend

To: Kaiser Permanente’s Hawaii Grievance and Appeals Operations 
This letter is in response to a letter that was sent to me  from your office.  The letter was dated January 03, 2024, though it was received in my mailbox on January 11, 2024.  The letter that was sent to me was in regards to my grievance against Dr. Mark Verschell.
Much of  what will be mentioned in this letter was expressed in a previous email to Kaiser Permanente, as well as phone conversations with Dr. Marie Ring (12/26/2023) and Dr, Michi Wong (01/02/2024). However, I will write about my experiences with Dr. Mark Verschell in this letter to ensure your office has as many details about the situation as possible.
I was assigned to Dr Mark Verschell by Kaiser Permanente on 12/12/2023. I set up my initial appointment with Dr Verschell for 12/23/2023.
Before the appointment, I emailed Dr Verschell information about my mental health as it relates to career development. I even gave him a word document listing the various challenges I experienced as well as my strengths and weaknesses.
During our initial appointment on 12/23/2023. I spoke of my background and some of my struggles with career development.  After I explain some of my situation, Dr Mark Verschell then asked me questions like “do you think you can change your employer’s mind”, and “who is in charge of the organization, you or the employer?” Both of those questions were asked in a negative, condescending, combative tone ask if he think I have never thought of those things before.

He also questioned why I quit negative work environments as if the main problem of my career development was quitting negative work environments.
He never considered that my leaving negative workplaces was my attempt to protect my mental health from further harm.
He talked to me as if I had never experienced speaking with mental health professionals before. However, I had past experiences with other mental health professionals before and I experienced better treatment.
Meanwhile, he hasn’t asked me essential questions that could’ve really got into the heart of my mental health struggles as it related to career development.
 For example, he never asked me if I had any history of depression.  If he did, I would’ve told him “yes” and we could’ve explored how my past experiences with negative workplaces contributed to my experience with depression.
He never asked an essential question like  "what physical and psychological effects he endured from those workplaces". If he did asked, I would’ve informed him that at times, my body was shaking, my heartbeat increased and I experienced effects of what could be described as a nervous breakdown. I would’ve told him that I become worried that negative work experiences could contribute to a heart attack. I would’ve told him that in February 2023, I have consulted doctors about my heart, but their EKG test and heart monitor wasn’t able to find any negative issues with my heart.
He could’ve asked me about whether I had any past positive workplace experiences. If he did, I would’ve told him about past workplaces where I thrived. I would've told you great stories of great supervisors. But he didn’t ask.
Toward the end of the session, I did ask him how he dealt with negative workplaces. He said he could do that in the next session. 
Throughout the initial session with Dr Verschell, I already had a negative first impression. I questioned myself whether I should continue with Dr Verschell or should I give him a second chance.  I usually have trouble making split-second decisions. I decided to just say yes to a second session, after all, I could always cancel if I still feel uncomfortable.
Usually, when it comes to quitting negative situations, I usually give myself 24 hours to make my decision final.
However, after my initial session with Dr Verschell, I felt such a negative first impression that I decided to send him a notice of cancellation of future services circa 30 minutes after the initial session ended.  That first impression of Dr Verschell was that bad.
In fact, my first impression of Dr Verschell was so bad that even the negative workplaces of the past have nowhere near the negative first impression that I got from him! 
On the following day, I did sent Dr Verschell an email further explaining why I refuse to do another session with him, where I felt he gone wrong with his negative tactics, and I compared his tactics with other (more positive) therapists I had in the past. In that email, I even gave him a chance to apologize. I got no response.

What really bothers me about Dr Verschell was his constant questioning of “do you think you can change your employer’s mind?” which totally misses the point of seeking mental health services.  Like does he really think I have never thought about that before.
Also, his aggressively questioning me of what I left negative workplaces shows his lack of understanding of how negative situations can cause psychological and even physical harm to those who experienced it.
I get the impression that Dr Verschell showed a severe lack of empathy that one would expect from a therapist. I felt as if he was talking down to me. It’s as if he doesn’t realize that I already had too much experience of people talking down to me, I already had enough experience of me talking down to myself, and that I needed someone to uplift me, not talk down to me.
Anyways, Mahalo for giving me the opportunity to express my negative experience with Dr Mark Verschell.
Pablo Wegesend  

And to Dr. Verschell, you are now publicly exposed for who you are. You should've seen this coming! 

And even before writing this letter, the people I spoke to at Kaiser Permanente were horrified by what they heard about you. This letter just puts it all in writing for their official record!