Saturday, July 22, 2017

You Can't Evade the Fact that Laws Are Enforced by Violence

A few days ago, I had a blog post about my debate with a Phony Pacifist who laughed at the idea that her proposed ban on plastic bags/bottles could be enforced by violence!

She thinks that fines are nonviolent punishments!

But the whole point of having laws is intimidation. It is to scare people into submission.

But what about those who refuse to submit!

Do those who refuse to submit to laws against relatively minor things be at risk for getting beaten and killed by police?

Look, you can talk about how we can train police to not be brutal, but in the heat of the moment, you don't have much time to reflect. You take action and reflect later! 

Conservatives want laws against drugs, because "drugs are bad".  Of course drugs have side effects.  But how far will go police go to enforce laws against drugs? How far will go against those who refuse to comply?

In one example, in Germany, a man alleged to have drugs ran off when the police came. He got shot in the head and died!

That's what happens when you have laws. People will defy those laws, and people who defy those laws will face violent force by police.

Cigarettes are technically legal, but only if the sellers submit to very high taxes. People don't want to pay high taxes, so they buy from  sellers who sell for cheap. People who are desperate for money will get involved in selling cigarettes.  One of those sellers was Eric Garner.

New York police are pressured to enforce laws against "unlicensed cigarettes". Eric Garner defended his right to sell items to consenting adults.  So when you are pressured to enforce laws against selling unlicensed cigarettes, and the person refuse to submit..................police violence happens. Police surrounded Eric Garner (who is bigger than your average person, but WASN'T THREATENING VIOLENCE AGAINST ANYONE) and used a chokehold on him.  He died!

The people who wanted those laws against drugs and cigarettes might not have wanted people to get killed by police because of those laws.

But when you pass a law, you are allowing police to use intimidating tactics against those who refuse to comply. When people refuse to comply, the police WILL use any means necessary to get that person to comply! When I mean "any means", I mean ........."any means".  Punches, kicks, batons, pepper spray, chokeholds, tasers, even bullets!

It doesn't matter if the police aren't allowed to use certain tactics.

 They will use those tactics because they are not immune to having trouble controlling their anger! 

They will use those tactics because they don't want to be seen as wusses! 

They will use those tactics because they don't want to "waste" time arguing or pleading with those who refuse to comply! 

They will use those tactics because they think "I'm police, the jury will find me Not Guilty no matter what I do"

They will use those tactics because "f---- you, because I can" 

 If the police will shoot a person who refuse to comply with drug bans


If the police will put a chokehold on somebody who refuse to comply with laws selling unlicensed cigarrettes

What exactly will stop the police from using brutal tactics against somebody who refuse to comply with laws against plastic bags or plastic bottles?

Asking such questions isn't about having a "plastic fetish"?

Asking such question is being realistic about what laws are, and how they are really enforced!

The Phony Pacifist can evade all those question by using "LOL" and words like "plastic fetish", but that just goes to show that she refuse to admit that she wants people to be intimidated into stopping the use plastic.

That's why she blocked me on facebook!

I asked the tough questions and refuse to back down when confronted by words like "LOL" and "plastic fetish"

I correctly point out that laws are enforced by violent intimidation!

I correctly point out that fines are money that people must pay OR ELSE the government will use force to anyone who refuses to pay!

I would have at least have more respect for Phony Pacifist if she admits that she wants police to use force against those who use plastic bags.

After all, many conservatives are OPENLY APPROVING of police using brutal force against those who use or sell drugs!

But many left-wingers are two-faced in that they protest police brutality, but want laws enforced against plastic items.

No amount of "LOL" or "plastic fetish" slurs will erase the fact that those laws allow for physical intimidation against those who use plastic bags or plastic bottles.

Phony Pacifist understands that, so she blocked me on facebook!

  Too Much Reality for her to handle! 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Clarifying my beliefs about Laws

No I don't hate all Laws!

Yes, I think some Laws should exist!

I think those who kill, assault, rape or rob innocent people should be arrested, jailed and face some really harsh consequences.

(note:  I'm trying to keep this blog post as "family friendly" as possible,  but I'll just say the harsh consequences will be physically and psychologically punishing).

Those who commit such harsh acts deserve those harsh consequences, because those criminals only seem to understand violence, fear and humiliation.


Some extreme forms of vandalism and burglaries are done as form of intimidation, and therefore do deserve harsh punishments. 

Some minor sins like shoplifting, or use spraying your tag name "for fun" might be deserving of less harsher consequences like picking up litter on a bad weather day! 

Though if someone shoplifts for food out of desperation, we could assist that person while also expect some repayment!


However, bans for holding & using items in a nonviolent manner is just ridiculous!

Also, bans on consensual behavior by adults (ie gambling, sex work, etc) are also ridiculous!

Government has no business sending police to intimidate people doing such things!

Just let the people be!

If you have legit concerns about the nonviolent use of certain items (ie plastic bottles) or consensual activities (ie gambling), then use your words to convince people about those  legit concerns.

That's what REAL pacifists do!

Unfortunately, I had a debate with a PHONY pacifist (see previous blog post) which probably made me look like some guy who doesn't like laws or doesn't like police!

I like certain laws (ie. you can't rob, kill, rape, assault innocent people and you can't vandalize other people's property) and I want police to enforce such laws.

I also want the Government (And Police) to have limited powers!

I want people to be free to live their lives and do peaceful consensual activities without being afraid of the police!

And for that, I get labeled an anarchist! 

Phony Pacifists want laws to threaten people doing peaceful activities

Pacifists are supposed to be about nonviolent solutions.

But laws are rules enforced by violence!

Laws aren't a list of manners!

Laws aren't a tool of social awareness!

Laws are rule in which allows the police to use or threaten violent force to stop you from doing something!

Using plastic bags and plastic bottles are a NONVIOLENT activity!

But this so-called "pacifist" named Rebecca Brooke Corby (whose latest facebook name is "Rebecca Brooke" but also goes by "Rebecca Corby") wants laws against the use of plastic bags/bottles.

In other words, Rebecca Brooke Corby (aka PHONY pacifist) doesn't want a nonviolent solution to a nonviolent issue. She wants a violent enforcement against an item she doesn't like!


Last month, I posted on facebook a link to an article about 3 African-American teenagers being harassed by the police for selling water bottles at the National Mall.

Here was my statement 

Some activists actually want to ban bottled water. This is a preview of how that would be enforced!

and this was the comments in response to that post

  • Rebecca Brooke activists wanting to ban single use plastics have nothing to do with this.....I've been using re-usable fabric shopping bags and a re-usable water bottle (stainless steel) for probably over a decade now. Doing those 2 things are the 2 single biggest and easiest things all of us can do to reduce single use plastics. In case you didnt' know, plastics do not biodegrade and are typically filled with nasty toxins that pollute our own water, our soil, our food, cause disease and endochri disruption, not too mention kills thousands of species of animals every year especially marine life who often eat plastic bags and bottles confusing them for jelly fish or other prey. Check out the film "Plastic Planet" to learn more of why and how much plastic really sucks and we need to ban atleast the worst offenders...the single use bags and bottles.
  • Pablo Wegesend activists wanting to ban single use plastics have nothing to do with this

    But if they get their way, THIS is EXACTLY what's going to happen! How do you think laws get enforced? Laws aren't just a list of manners, laws are enforced by
     violence (or threats of violence). Laws are necessary against ACTIONS (ie roberries, assaults, etc) but they are a problem when it comes to ITEMS (ie plastic bottles, cigarettes, weed, sex toys, etc). because then you're threatening violence against people just for having things.

    You say "plastic is so bad because of this and that", but that's EXACTLY the same rhetoric used by Jeff Sessions and his crew use against drugs, "oh we gotta ban this, because drugs cause that", but again, laws aren't just a list of ettiquette, it's a notice that police can threaten anyone who has a banned item.

    And when laws are enforced, they're not enforced equally. AS in this case, those who are non-white or non-rich get the worst end of this enforcement. Stopped and threatened, "hey you better stop you'll be the next Rodney King or next Philando Castille", and those who resist not only get beat/shot, but they could sent to jail where they get raped by hardened criminals.

    All this because people say "there ought to be a law". Well, maybe there shouldn't be a law. Maybe activists need to stop relying on laws and start using information campaigns to promote your cause instead of asking police to do your dirty work!
  • Pablo Wegesend To learn more abut what laws really are
    Laws are Rules Enforced by Violence
    Laws are Rules Enforced by Violence
    Laws are Rules Enforced by Violence

  • Pablo Wegesend .I've been using re-usable fabric shopping bags and a re-usable water bottle (stainless steel) for probably over a decade now. Doing those 2 things are the 2 single biggest and easiest things all of us can do to reduce single use plastics.

    Then do that! Nobody is stigmatizing you for that! But stop asking the government and their armed cops to enforce your preferences on the population!

  • 1
  • Rebecca Brooke Pablo your ignorance about plastics is showing. Watch the film plastic planet or hell, just Google what the problems are w single use plastics. I pointed out the main ones. These are all backed by facts, not propaganda. Plastic does not break down. Do you understand what that means? Also it leeches dangerous chemicals out. This is not a personal preference that doesn't affect anyone. We all share one planet. It affects all of us. If ppl want to remain ignorant and not change based on facts, thats when laws are attempted to be passed. Of course not all laws are like this. Alot of laws are made by dumb people but fact based laws made by smart people are good.
    That part where she said "Pablo your ignorance about plastics is showing. " 


      • Pablo Wegesend Rebecca your ignorance about how laws are enforced is showing BIG TIME!

        I ALREADY KNOW THAT PLASTICS HAVE SIDE EFFECTS! BUT SO WHAT? Drugs have negative side effects that don't just affect the users, they affect everyone around the user! That is how l
        aw enforcement justify abusive tactics associated with "getting drugs off the street".

        Rebecca, you want those laws because you want people to be abused for using plastic! That's what advocating for laws! Laws aren't just a list of manners! Laws aren't just a plea for awareness! Laws are a notice saying "you better stop, or they police are going to confront you and you better not resist". That is why you want a law against plastic, because you hate plastic so much that in your heart, you truly believe that those who use plastic should be confronted by police and those who resist should get a beatdown! Just be honest and admit that's how you feel
      • Pablo Wegesend Rebecca, I have a SEVERE HATRED of what alcohol does to people, I done the research and I personally witness the damage it causes, but I don't advocate for banning alcohol, because I know damn how those laws get enforced! I also know the existence of anti-alcohol laws didn't stop the production of alcohol! (google "Prohibition). I also know that law enforcement would use brutal tactics against those who use alcohol (or those who are assumed to be using, selling or possessing alcohol). I know about the abusive tactics used to "get alcohol off the streets".

        What you have to understand is that sometimes, doing something about the problem is WORSE than doing nothing about the problem.

        So don't give me this "you ignorance about plastic" crap, because my stance has NOTHING to do with the pros/cons about plastic and EVERYTHING to do with people's excessive reliance on laws to solve problems, and how laws are truly enforced as noted in the article
      • Pablo Wegesend Just because I don't want a certain law, THAT DOES NOT MEAN I'm not aware about a problem or an issue! Get that in your head!

        Laws are supposed to be a last resort! However, those who think laws should be a first resort will accuse you of "ignorance" and "not doing research" if you dare not believe that certain things shouldn't be handled by certain laws!
      • Pablo Wegesend Earth-shattering shocking news: people can have a deep awareness of an issue and still prefer different solutions to a problem. Just because I don't support a certain type of law doesn't mean I lack awareness of the issue it was meant to address! It's just too many activists demand for certain laws without thinking of alternate solutions or how problematic the enforcement of such laws are! If you even dare think of alternate solutions or dare understand the problems that come with enforcing such laws, you are accused of "ignorance" and "not doing research" by fanatics who demand certain laws.

      Because Rebecca Brooke Corby said in those comments "Pablo your ignorance about plastics is showing. "  I felt that I needed to follow up with this facebook post ( in which I did not mention names)

      OK, there's some over-generalizing here, but I'll just say it
      The Right-wingers and Left-wingers both support laws that encourage abusive policing, but the Right-wingers are more honest about it! The Right-Wingers want a militarized police actions to "stop drugs", "stop illegals" and "protect the unborn" and they pretty much make excuses for abusive police enforcing such laws by saying "what did those brutalized expect? that's what they get for not complying". That sounds sickening, but at least those Right-wingers are honest about it! 
      Left-wingers tend to have 2 faces on this! They may denounce abusive policing, yet they want the government to ban guns, plastic bags, and plastic bottles WITHOUT REALIZING THAT THOSE LAWS GIVE PERMISSION for police to use violence to stop anyone with those banned items. I mean, if you're going to ban plastic bottles, HOW THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT POLICE TO ENFORCE THAT? By saying "pretty please, please don't do carry again?" THAT'S NOT HOW THEY OPERATE! They operate with a command presence that threatens violence against those who resist! That's why laws are made: to threaten people who resist! THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF LAWS!  
      I'm so sick of activists who claim to be "pacifists" but yet want laws to ban stuff AS IF those laws would be enforced by "pleas for understanding". Bullstuff! Rush Limbaugh refer to such activists as "peace pansies", but that's not correct, those activists are actually Violence Pansies, because they want to threaten violence against anyone who want to use plastic items or carry a tool for self-defense! 

      Well, Rebecca Brooke Corby (aka Phony Pacifist) came uninvited to the comment thread of this facebook post.

      In the interest of full disclosure, here is the entire thing, with misspellings, grammar errors and all!

      • Rebecca Brooke are you in favor of anarchy ? no laws ?

      • Rebecca Brooke
        Rebecca Brooke plastic is threatening my/our existence, its extremely stupid to keep using throwable plastic bags and throwaway plastic water bottles. Unfort. many times laws are made because people are too dumb or lazy to change so then we have to make a law to get them to stop. You could argue that's how all laws why even have a law against killing someone ?? Everyone should know that's wrong right ? but they don't, so we made it illegal to murder someone and people still do it anyways but I do know there would be a lot more murders if it were not illegal. There are different types, some will do something illegal no matter , many actually stop because they don't want to go to jail. I have heard it many times. I've even admitted myself, not that I would do something violent, but laws that are dumb, I would break sometimes if I knew I wouldn't go to jail but the risk is too much. Bottom line is, laws do deter certain behaviors and the behaviors we wish to make illegal should be rooted in logic and facts, not things like religion or sexism or racism or anything else but logic. Logically, plastic is terrible for the planet, our health and all species...
      • Rebecca BrookeRebecca Brooke also there's a thing called fines, monetary punishments. not all punishments are violent. For example, you get caught dumping a bunch of chemicals into the water, you may get a fine, you should get a fine. I've never seen a cop beating up someone for polluting the environment...sadly they do the opposite, they beat up protestors who are tyring to protect our planet, like the standing rock protestors...know your history 

      • Pablo Wegesend Rebecca Brooke, so if you have your way and plastic bottles are banned, then what the hell is going to happen to those who defy those laws!

        I know exactly why Rebecca Brooke wants those laws, she wants to threaten those who defy those norms with violence! Rebecca Brooke wants brutal police crackdowns against those who resists, that's why she wants those laws

      • Pablo Wegesend What are fines? Fines are "you pay this or the police will make you pay for it, and if you still resist, the police will crack your skulls! Fines aren't donations, they're threats, they're leglized extrotions

        Rebecca Brooke
        Rebecca Brooke I want violence, LOL.....haven't you been following me a long time.....too funny

      • Pablo Wegesend How are laws enforced? Explain that!

      • Pablo Wegesend Rebecca Brooke hasn't answered that one sentence question! Too much reality for her to face

      • Rebecca Brooke so again, are you in favor of anarchy? no laws at all?

        Rebecca Brooke

        Rebecca Brooke all laws are force yes.....we force you not to murder someone, we force you not to drive drunk, we force you not to rape (sometimes) etc, etc. or should we have no laws at all you think ? there are many anarchist societies in the world today, things are much worse sadly esp. anywhere they have limited access to basic resources like food and shelter, combined with male entitlement/sexism and weapons...its chaos...on the other hand there are other lots of hippie communities that are pretty nice but even they have "laws" created in their little communities, they don't enforce them with violence but you have to be vetted carefully to be allowed in their communiities so that's how they avoid violence

      • Pablo Wegesend To equate possession of a plastic bottle to actions (like murder, rape and robbery) is so stupid! You, Rebecca Brooke are a fake peace activist! You pretend to be for peace, but you want police to enforce your personal preference

      • Pablo Wegesend If you want take plastic bottles and plastic bags off m hands, do it yourself, instead of begging the legislators to send the police to do it for you!

      • Rebecca Brooke
        Rebecca Brooke ha ha, why do you have such a fetish with plastic bags and bottles...its really odd

        Rebecca Brooke
        Rebecca Brooke now who sounds

        Pablo Wegesend So because I want to be left alone you claim I want to be violent, yet you want police to do your dirty work, because you don't want to do it yourself?

      • Rebecca Brooke

      • Rebecca Brooke You keep dodging the question. You are not being logical. Do you think we should have any laws or complete anarchy?

      • Pablo Wegesend You keep dodging the question: how are laws enforced>

        Rebecca Brooke
        Rebecca Brooke I already explained how they are enforced with several examples of logical as well as some illogical laws. I'm in favor of logical laws yes.

        Pablo Wegesend But how are they enforced? By pleas for understandings, but hey "stop or I'll beat your ass"

        Rebecca Brooke
        Rebecca Brooke Cops do not beat up people that litter, sadly they beat up environmentalists and defend the big corporations that are polluting and destroying the planet. I don't know where your wild dreams are coming from that someone is going to beat down your door and rip your beloved plastic bottle from your hands..but its making me laugh

      • Pablo Wegesend Rebecca Brooke is in favor of police brutality against anyone who has plastic bottles and plastic bags! That's why she favors those laws!

      • Rebecca Brooke
        Rebecca Brooke I'll try one last attempt at logic and then I have to go but as I explained there are monetary punishments called fines. People get fined all the time and not beat up. and that exmple you posted before and it has nothing to do with enviro activists wanting to ban single use plastic bottles. You are not making any sense here.

      • Pablo Wegesend so what happens to people who refuse to pay fines? Hmmmm> Hmmmmm? Hmmmm?

        People pay fines so they don't get arrested and beaten up by police

      • Pablo Wegesend Fines are legalized extotion!

      • Pablo Wegesend Fines are not friendly donations!

      • Pablo Wegesend Rebecca Brooke thinks its funny when people have concerns about police over-reach!

      • Pablo Wegesend Rebecca Brooke laughs at people concerned about police over-reach, she wouldn't be laughing if she was nonwhite or nonrich!

      • Rebecca Brooke unfollowing you now, you have demonstrated a complete lack of logic here

      • Pablo Wegesend some people just can't admit defeat!

      • Pablo Wegesend Rebecca Brooke can't defend her logic on why we need government-sanctioned violence to stop those who use plastic bags or plastic bottles!
      • Pablo Wegesend Rebecca Brooke is doing this dance now, because she tried to debate me on an issue in which I have the intellectual superiority
      • Pablo Wegesend one more thing: I didn't tag Rebecca Brooke to join this debate, she came in on her own free will, and she got owned big time! I don't think I've owned someone in a facebook debate like this in a long long time!