Monday, July 08, 2024

In a nation of 300 million, is this the best we got?

 The United States of America has 300+ million people! 

And yet, we are being told that have to chose between Joe Biden & Donald Trump!

Donald Trump on left, Joe Biden on right
Image from the CNN debate 06/27/2024
Donald Trump, Joe Biden

Is this the best 2 that a nation of 300 million can come up with?

Donald Trump is a racist, a rapist, a fascist, and a con artist. 

That much is really well-established!

He has a rabid following who cheers him on, even as he changes his positions and denies what he said earlier. 

Hillary Clinton was being generous when she pointed out that half his base is "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic" and therefore "a basket of deplorables".

Trump doesn't even live a conservative Christian lifestyle but many conservative Christians support him because he promised them to support their anti-abortion agenda. And this is a guy who doesn't use condoms when having sex with porn stars. 

Trump also appeals to the covidiots who want to live in a fantasy land in which the coronavirus never existed. 

Trump also benefitted from the fact other Republican candidates (ie Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, Ted Cruz) turn soft and meek when Trump ridicules them. 

Chris Christie showed excessive softness against Trump back in 2016, and while he finally showed fighting spirit against Trump this year, it was too little, too late.

Nikki Hailey showed some grit in challenging Trump, but her aggressive foreign policies no longer appealed to many Republicans the way it did back when George W. Bush was president. 

Also, while Hailey seemed moderate in comparison to Trump, her proposal for the government to verify the identity of social media users exposed her fascist tendencies. 

And to challenge Donald Trump, what do the Democrats have?

Joe Biden?

I'm old enough to remember when Joe Biden was known as a loud, passionate speaker.

His constant gaffes and tendency to exaggerate were always there, but nobody could deny his energy and vigor.

But now? 

What energy? What vigor?

It was only circa 5 minutes into his debate last month when I realized we are in deep trouble.

When Biden lost his train of thought, Trump pounced and showed no mercy! 

This went on throughout the debate! 

Trump was his usual loud self (though he didn't interrupt as many times as he did in the 2020 debates)!

Meanwhile, even when Biden had strong points, his delivery was weak!

(the one exception was when Biden told off Trump, saying that his deceased veteran son wasn't a sucker or a loser, that it was Trump that was a loser)

Optics matter! 

It was obvious that Biden had become a shell of his former self.

I'm old enough to remember Biden debated Sarah Palin (2008) and Paul Ryan (2012)! 

In those debates, Biden seemed strong and in command.

That Biden is now gone. It's over.

And it wasn't just about one debate. 

It was also clips after clips over the months showing Biden looking dazed and confused at various events. 

It was also his post-debate interview where he seemed dazed and confused and couldn't even confirm whether he watched footage of his recent debate. 

He's long past his prime!

On social media, I read posts by medical professionals in geriatric care noting that Biden is showing signs of dementia. 


Some say debates shouldn't matter in elections.

But part of an executive leader's job is public speaking. It is one's job to express that you can take charge of a difficult situation. 

It was obvious Biden couldn't do it anymore.

When it comes to influencing people, a show of strength matters.

As Bill Clinton stated in 2002(when George W. Bush was in power and the Republicans gained seats in Congress) that .....people prefer "Strong and Wrong" over "Weak and Right"


Read that again 

people prefer "Strong and Wrong" over "Weak and Right"

Trump comes across as strong, even though he is usually wrong! 

Biden came across as weak even when he said some right things.

Of course, some Biden supporters ridicule the idea that the debate will turn undecideds into Trump supporters.

But we have to remember ....... undecided people can decide not to vote! 

It's NOT enough to emphasize why we shouldn't vote for the opponent, 

 you also have to emphasize they should vote FOR you

It's NOT enough for Democrats to expect votes just because people are offended by Trump

Hillary Clinton relied on that strategy in 2016, but it didn't work.

Barack Obama won in 2008 and 2012 because he gave the people a feeling that they were voting FOR someone.

Bill Clinton won in 1992 and 1996 because he gave the people a feeling that they were voting FOR someone.

Hillary in 2016 and Biden in 2024 assumed they'd just get votes because "the other guy is bad"

But if the undecideds feel "Trump is BAD" but ALSO feel unimpressed by Biden (which they are now) or Hillary (which they were in 2016) then those undecided people will DECIDE NOT TO VOTE! 


Yes, we have minor party candidates (like RKF Jr, Cornel West, Chase Oliver)

Yes, the media has been long irresponsible in refusing to give more coverage to lesser-known candidates. 

But unless a miracle happens, it will be Biden  vs Trump!

Trump already showed that he won't take NO for an answer. He refused to admit defeat in 2020 and he promised to pardon those involved in the January 6 insurrection. He will fall all appointable positions with loyalists. Trump is out for blood and will do anything to stay in power as long as he can.

This election is too important for the Democrats to rely on someone who is obviously past his prime.

This election is too important for the Democrats to assume victory just because Trump offends people. 

It's time for Joe Biden to step down. It's time for him to do what LBJ did in 1968 and withdraw from his re-election campaign.

It's time for a new generation to carry the torch.

Vice-President Kamala Harris isn't a perfect candidate, but she can better relate to the people of today than Biden could. 

Even though she isn't the best public speaker, with some practice (and some bullet points prepared), she can show that she is tough enough to take on Donald Trump. She can show that she is in command!

Then maybe, the undecideds can decide "I can trust Kamala Harris to be president". 



I made a 10-minute video speech declaring that "I'm NOT impressed by Trump or Biden"

Check it out here
"I'm NOT impressed by Trump or Biden"

in defense of cover letters

 Somebody on LinkedIn  posted the following about cover letters

I don’t believe in cover letters!

I am sorry if you do, but if I come across a job application that still requires a cover letter I don’t even bother continuing it.

In 2024, who has time to write let alone read hundreds of letters, most of which are written by AI? I think cover letters are overrated and an extremely naive way to shortlist candidates.

You can get to know much of what’s written in someone’s letter by checking their LinkedIn profile or maybe asking for references.

Do you agree?

Well, I don't agree! 

And this is my response 

I write cover letters even if I wasn't asked to.

 Because I want to put my experience into context.

 A resume is just a list. A cover letter puts life of what's on that list and gives a fuller explanation of how my experience fits the job I'm applying for.

Also, an interview can only cover so much, and the ones conducting the interview might forget to ask you for essential information that shows you're a great fit for the job. 

So instead of complaining about writing another cover letter, EMBRACE the opportunity to write another fantastic cover letter! 

Who knows, it might unlock the door to the ultimate opportunity of a lifetime.