Saturday, October 17, 2020

new music: "The Spooky Abandoned House"

 Today,  Pablo the Mad Tiger Warrior  has a new single now available on various online platforms (ie iTunes, Spotify, YouTube & wherever else music is sold or streamed!

That single is titled "The Spooky Abandoned House"

A creepy dark ambient instrumental track that  sounds like a horror movie or video game score  where the characters are walking around an  abandoned house on a Halloween night.   Perfect track to play at Halloween haunted house activities!


If Halloween music is your thing, don't forget to check out another dark ambient instrumental track that Pablo the Mad Tiger Warrior released as a single back in 2018........."Slow Walking Through a Haunted Castle"


In other music news, Pablo the Mad Tiger Warrior  has another album of instrumental tracks coming soon. This time, it will be an electronic music album with a science fiction vibe!

The tracks are all completed, but I have not yet settled on a release date! 

Stay tuned!