Monday, September 24, 2018

Public shaming of bigots in Hawaii (part 4)

The previous "Public Shaming of Bigots in Hawaii" can be found here

In my previous edition of "Public Shaming of Bigots in Hawaii, I mentioned about Honolulu Civil Beat article that posted racist screenshots about Micronesians

The article writer now mentioned that some of the racist commenters backed down really fast begging for mercy. 

Great work Civil Beat.

However, one of the bigots Kawohi Kekumu refused to back down and claimed that the Micronesian community isn't doing anything to keep their youth out of trouble. Yet, when the Civil Beat journalist mentioned about "We are Oceania", which Micronesian community leaders are working to keep Micronesian youth out of trouble, well Kawohi Kekumu didn't know about it!

Just like Donald Trump, Kawohi Kekumu DOES NOT CARE ABOUT THE FACTS, they just FEEL that other groups are lesser than them! Well, eff their racist feelings! 

On the facebook post about the Civil Beat article, I found a few more racist screenshots to expose to the public.
The racist oinks that I expose here include Vince Hogan, Kat Cos and Lorain Rumfield, all racists against Micronesians.

If that's how these people want to be known, let them have their 15 minutes of fame, and it could be Googled by potential employers and clients who will say "eww, I don't want to work around those racist oinks!"


Not sure if Kat Cos is a real name, if it ain't, I'll just say posting inflammatory comments behind a fake name is cowardly! 

I put my real name behind my comments! 


September 25th updates 

I found even more disturbing comments in response to the facebook post regarding the Civil Beat article, this time from Kawika Lautej.   Kawika Lautej claims our government spends money to help Micronesian immigrants instead of Native Hawaiians, nevermind that OHA (Office of Hawaiian Affairs) and DHHL (Department of Hawaiian HomeLands) spends millions of taxpayers money to benefit Native Hawaiians. Also, we have a wealthy private organization Kamehameha Schools that spends MILLIONS on education and charities to benefit Native Hawaiians

(note: COFA refers to Compact of Free Association which allows for immigration from Micronesian islands that were former US territories.)

But Kawkika Lateuj gets even worse. He claims that Micronesians cause crime, NEVERMIND that other ethnicities that been in Hawaii longer also have their own gangs.

Here is my response to Kawika Lautej's racist garbage

(note: the gangs I've mentioned have operated in the 80s/90s and have memberships that are majority Filipino or Polynesian or Vietnamese.)

As someone who lived in Kalihi in the 80s and 90s, I know for a damn fact that those were the high-crime era with stabbings, head-stompings and even drive-bys. Most of the gang rivalries there involved Filipinos or Polynesians. At McKinley High School (go Tigers), Vietnamese gangs were also in the mix.

All this before the Micronesians came in greater numbers since the late 90s.

So don't give me this crap about Hawaii being a crime-free, gang-free utopia before Micronesians came here because that's NOT true!

Back in the late 20th century, it was the Filipinos and the Polynesians that were looked down as "ghetto, thuggish people". But as many from those groups eventually rise into the middle class, people started to look down on more recent arrivals and therefore the Micronesians have suffered from the stigma once aimed at the Filipinos and Polynesians.