Saturday, April 02, 2005

Pharmacies, Contraception and Conscience

 Paul Krugman had an interesting scenario to discuss.

And it won't stop there. There is a nationwide trend toward "conscience" or "refusal" legislation. Laws in Illinois and Mississippi already allow doctors and other health providers to deny virtually any procedure to any patient. Again, think of how such laws expose doctors to pressure and intimidation.

Though I am for birth control pills, I still dont think government ought to force pharmacies to sell them. This is freedom.

A few years back, Hawaii governor Linda Lingle legalized the sale of emergency contraceptions (the morning-after pill) but refused to force pharmacies to sell them. Some birth-control advocates weren't happy. However, they must remember the freedom of religion. St. Francis hospitals (there's 2 of them on Oahu) are Catholic hospitals, so it's against their religion to sell birth control pills.

What next, do we force Jewish and Muslim cafeterias to serve pork? (I love pork, but i can go elsewhere to buy pork)

Going back to Krugman's point about intimidation of doctors and pharmacists. It is sad to see radical right wingers using threats against abortion providers and pharmacists who sell contraception pills. Those who do make those threats ought to be in prison.

But as I mentioned, government shouldn't force pharmacists to sell pills they dont want to sell. With that, Krugman still has the freedom to start a watchdog group to defend pharmacists and abortion providers against threats. Krugman still has the freedom to promote birth control. In fact, he could talk about starting a store specializing in selling birth control pills

Look at the Iraq situation. Barbers are being threatened for cutting people's hair in non-Islamic fashion. No one is forced to cut hair in non-Islamic style. But some do.

If I was president of Iraq, I'll let the barbers make the choice. Barbers can refuse to do non-Islamic hairstyle. Barbers can specialize in non-Islamic hairstyle. Either way, both ought to be protected from threats.

Same ought to be the situation on birth control. Pharmacies can refuse to sell contraception pills. Pharmacies can specialize in selling contraception pills. Either way, both ought to be protected from threats.