Saturday, January 08, 2005

Tobin Jones's Supplements

A fan wanted me to go over the atrocities of Mega-Leftist Tobin Jones and his shepherd Dr. William Foltz for the new generation of readers. So here I go!

Tobin Jones considers politically biased rants a "supplement" to one's education, even if those rants are UNRELATED to the advertised topic of the class!

Here's an example of what Tobin Jones considers a "supplement". It's from an email from David Horowitz, a socialist-turned-conservative.

Today, leftist professors are openly calling for America's defeat in Iraq and in the war on terror. Robert Jensen, for example, is a professor at the University of Texas. As American marines engaged Sunni terrorists in a fierce battle in Falluja on December 03, 2004, Jensen wrote: "The United States has lost the war in Iraq, and that's a good thing.... I welcome the U.S. defeat... it's essential the American empire be defeated and dismantled."

Today, leftist professors assign exams with essay topics instructing students to "Explain why George Bush is a war criminal" (this actually happened at a university in Colorado).

Meet Brett Mock. He is a political science major at Ball State.
Last year he enrolled in a course called "Introduction to Peace Studies and Conflict Resolution."

He expected to study various ways of resolving conflict, including the use of military force.
Instead, he found a radical professor, George Wolfe, who believed that fighting back against violent aggression is never acceptable.

As we've come to expect from academic leftists, no opposing opinions were tolerated. Brett's grades were lowered when he wrote papers arguing against Professor Wolfe's beliefs, on the grounds that Brett clearly "didn't understand how peaceful resistance worked."

But when Brett, worried about his final grade, wrote a positive review of an anti-American book by Noam Chomsky, he received an A+ and 10 extra-credit points!

America's colleges and universities are producing a generation of young people who are being taught that their country is a source of evil, that war is never justified, and that our enemies have truth and justice on their side.

I've spoken to many, many parents who were heartbroken when they innocently sent their children off to college only to see them indoctrinated instead of educated and turned into radicals by their professors.