Friday, January 07, 2005

Tobin Jones, Dr Foltz and ideological conformity at colleges

Now that I'm no longer a student at the University of Hawaii, I can now re-post the facts about Dr. Foltz and his protege Tobin Jones

Dr. Foltz retired and moved to Wisconsin. I sent him an angry email 13 months ago about his negative attitude. Instead of replying to my charges, he ran to the dean and tried to get me expelled!

And in political correctness news, here's what Thomas Sowell wrote:

There are a few good small conservative colleges like Hillsdale or Grove City, but Ivy League schools have no conservative rivals of comparable size and prominence, and neither do most state universities.

A student can spend four years at many colleges and universities and graduate with no real awareness of any other viewpoints than those on the left.

College and university faculties do not simply happen to be leftist. Too often ideological questions are asked at faculty job interviews and ideological litmus tests are applied in hiring. 
One reason for the prominence of conservative think tanks is that so many top scholars who are not leftists do not find a home in academia and go to work for think tanks instead.

Not even visiting speakers with a conservative viewpoint are tolerated on many campuses. It seems incredible that there would be fears that a one-hour lecture would undo years of indoctrination. But perhaps it is just sheer intolerance that creates hostility to anyone expressing ideas contrary to the prevailing notions of the left.

A student at Lewis College in Colorado was actually kicked by a professor for wearing a sweatshirt proclaiming his Republican views. This happened at a birthday party, of all places, and the professor has been quoted as saying that her only regret was that her kick was not "harder and higher."

Of course, bloodshot eyed Tobin Jones will call that kick a "supplement"! Maybe Tobin needs a growth supplement both physically and in maturity.