Monday, July 08, 2024

in defense of cover letters

 Somebody on LinkedIn  posted the following about cover letters

I don’t believe in cover letters!

I am sorry if you do, but if I come across a job application that still requires a cover letter I don’t even bother continuing it.

In 2024, who has time to write let alone read hundreds of letters, most of which are written by AI? I think cover letters are overrated and an extremely naive way to shortlist candidates.

You can get to know much of what’s written in someone’s letter by checking their LinkedIn profile or maybe asking for references.

Do you agree?

Well, I don't agree! 

And this is my response 

I write cover letters even if I wasn't asked to.

 Because I want to put my experience into context.

 A resume is just a list. A cover letter puts life of what's on that list and gives a fuller explanation of how my experience fits the job I'm applying for.

Also, an interview can only cover so much, and the ones conducting the interview might forget to ask you for essential information that shows you're a great fit for the job. 

So instead of complaining about writing another cover letter, EMBRACE the opportunity to write another fantastic cover letter! 

Who knows, it might unlock the door to the ultimate opportunity of a lifetime.