Monday, September 02, 2024

Music Updates

 Earlier this year, I answered a question that was on people's minds "Am I Still Doing Music?"

For the next Pablo the Mad Tiger Warrior album, here's what's been done so far

  • all tracks completed 
  • the order the tracks will appear has been finalized
  • I started the album cover artwork (front cover is completed, back cover started but not completed)

Here's what still needs to be done
  • complete CD design
  • come up with & complete an album description
  • figure out whether to order a basic post-production tune-up (cheaper) or get full mastering services (highly recommended but also highly expensive and therefore highly out of my budget range)
  • disc manufacturing (plan to go with a cheaper service than the last time)
  • apply for online distribution with CD Baby
  • videos
So what's holding me back?

Basically time and money!

Those who want to help with the money part can help with the following options