Thursday, July 27, 2023

yes, I'm still wearing my mask

 Yes, in summer 2023, I'm still wearing a surgical mask and face shield. 

person wearing a blue-green surgical mask
me with the mask

Covid isn't over, and I'm all about extra layers of protection. Some call it "living in fear", I call it "living with awareness". Just like wearing shoes as a layer of protection, it is a form of "living with awareness". Is it "living in fear" if you wear shoes to protect your feet?

Also, being that I work in schools, that means I work in a high-risk situation since kids don't understand social distancing or public health.  Plus. federal law says that students aren't required to disclose if they're HIV positive as well as some other health conditions. Those with immune deficiencies (like HIV) are very vulnerable to contagious respiratory diseases.

Yes, I did get vaccinated. Vaccines have been proven to be effective in reducing the symptoms and making it less likely for the person to die or need intensive care. However, vaccines by themselves don't prevent spreading the germs.  

Yesterday, I posted a video on YouTube titled "Yes, I'm still wearing my mask"

You can view the video here

video: "Yes, I'm still wearing a mask"