Saturday, January 28, 2023

Precautions still useful even when not perfect

 I found this great tweet the other day

A: “You train martial arts, yet someone jumped you anyway.” B: “Martial arts can’t prevent an ambush, they just teach you how to win the fight. I knocked the guy out.” A: “But you still got attacked. Clearly martial arts don’t work.” This is antivaxxer logic.

 As you may know, in a MMA match, there's usually a winner or a loser, even though both sides did a lot of training in the time leading up to the match.

But still, the training can still serve it's purpose if a self-defense arises. 

As any martial art expert can tell you, no defensive tactic is perfect for every situation, but with the more training you have, the better off you'll be.

Someone should remind the covidiots about this. 

Covidiots claim that just because vaccines, masks, shields and other precautionary measures aren't 100% perfect, that we might as well not use them at all. 

But that is a stupid way of thinking.

Vaccines aren't perfect, but after mass vaccinations, most of those who died from covid (or needed ICU care) were the unvaccinated.

That means vaccines work for most people, and it's better than not getting vaxed at all.

As for me, I got a common cold this week. 

(covid test was negative)

Some covidiots will snicker and say "ha, this guy had a mask and shield on and he still got sick"

But then also this

  • the last time I was ill was last March (10 months ago), so that means the mask/shield did a great job protecting me within those 10 months even though I took public transportation and worked in close contact with people in retail and schools.
  • This time and last time, I tested negative for covid
  • You can still get germs from hi-touch areas like doorknobs, elevator buttons, crosswalk buttons
  • 8 days ago, I ate at a takeout restaurant where the person making my plate wasn't wearing a mask. It's a possibility his breath got into the food I ate
  • The same could be true about the groceries you buy at the store
  • I was volunteering at a public event where masks were optional, and predictably, some came without masks. 
  • Also, did I say that my last illness was 10 months ago, and my mask/shield kept me from me getting germs from the whole bunch of people I came across on the bus, work, stores, gyms, etc?
So yeah, my defenses aren't a 100% perfect.

But neither is a well-trained combat fighter.

 Unless you're a master dodger of punches (ie Floyd Mayweather), you're not winning every fight. And even Mayweather stayed in his lane and refused to agree to fight an MMA match with Conor McGregor, even though McGregor took the risk to fight a boxing match with him. 

Seat belts aren't perfect, but they save lives.

Car headlights at night aren't perfect, but they save lives.

Helmets aren't perfect, but they save lives. 

Nothing is perfect, but precautions can protect you from getting hurt.

And this isn't living in fear, it's living with awareness! 

It's also called maturity!