Thursday, March 10, 2022

The anti-mask fanatics are on the attack

 Now that the mask mandates are fading away, the so-called freedom fighters are now fighting against the freedom to wear masks.

image from
He fights for the right to spread contagious diseases

A few weeks ago, while walking to the YMCA, I heard a covidiot in a truck saying to me "you're outside by yourself" while gesturing with a hand motion meant to look like he's taking off a mask. I could've given him a middle finger, but I was also near a school and being a former school employee, I still felt the need to set a better example than giving people the finger.

Apparently, somebody felt I didn't have a right to have this on.

But that covidiot was on the other side of the street, he wasn't in my physical space. 

However, there's been reports of harassment by covidiots telling people to take off their mask.

These covidiots need to be pepper-sprayed.  That's the only way they'll learn to leave people alone. 

I mean, they yelled for months about "muh freedoms", "muh rights" and "muh liberties" but they sure as hell not respecting people's rights to wear their surgical mask. 

And what about my right to not be infected with a contagious disease? 


And for all you covidiots who scream "masks don't work", why do you think medical professionals been wearing masks on the job all these years, even before the pandemic?

Because they don't want to spread their germs to their patients, especially in their most vulnerable moment. 

Also, medical professionals won't be as much help if they're infected by their patients, so they also using their masks to protect themselves.

Sarcastic meme mocking people who don't like surgical masks.
image from

But the covidiots think they're smarter than those who spent most of their adulthood studying infectious diseases.

Because covidiots don't like wearing masks, they look for anyone to confirm their anti-mask bias. And being politicians (like Ron DeSantis) needs votes, and media personalities (like Tucker Carlson) needs an audience, they'll pander to the anti-mask covidiots for the sake of popularity. 


As for when I'll stop wearing my mask, it will be months after the last surge or months after my last illness. Even then, I might keep it on as solidarity for the vulnerable, as well as a middle finger to the covidiots. 

And even if I decide to unmask, I'm not going to start trouble with someone still wearing a mask.  It's about respecting other people's vulnerabilities.


And in case you haven't seen it yet, here's my video telling the covidiots to take the coronavirus crisis seriously

"Take the Coronavirus Crisis Seriously, DAMMIT!"