Friday, May 27, 2016

Telling Others to Be Silent about Injustice is a form of Psychological Warfare

whether it is

  • telling a rape victim to not come forward because the rapist is a celebrity
  • pressuring a police officer to not testify against corrupt colleagues
  • telling a witness to "stop snitching"
  • telling an intern to "not be angry" about a rude supervisor who spreads damaging innuendos behind his/her back!

These are all examples of psychological warfare!

These are all examples of psychological torture!

Do the right thing! 

Encourage people to have courage! 

Expose the wrong-doing!

Praise those who do the right things!

Don't want to be snitched on?
Don't want to be told on?
Don't want to be exposed?

Then don't do the wrong things!

If you do a wrong thing

  •  just admit your flaws,
  •  say what you could've done better
  • apologize

Do all that, you'll get more respect in the long run!