Friday, February 19, 2010

The Austin plane crasher

Remember after 9/11, when anti-immigration fanatics screamed that "we better stop letting Middle Eastern immigrants in in order to protect us from terrorism"?

Remember a few years back when a Mexican illegal alien in Virginia killed 2 women in a drunk-driving accident, and Bill O'Reilly went nuts at Geraldo Rivera for saying "it's not an immigration issue, it's a drunk driving issue" ?

And the anti-immigration fanatics kept screaming "how you would feel if you were a victim of Arab terrorists?" or "how would you feel if your car got hit by an Mexican illegal alien drunk driver?"

Well, now that an European-American by the name of Joseph Stack crashed a small plane into the IRS building in Austin, the anti-immigration fanatics are silent!

As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't matter if I am killed by a European-American, an illegal Mexican alien or an Arab terrorist. Either way, I still would be dead!