Monday, March 14, 2005

When do we become adults?

According to a legislature report in yesterday's Honolulu Advertiser, there is a proposed law that is being debated by the Hawaii state legislature that will raise the age one can legally buy a shotgun or a rifle, from 18 to 21.

Here's what I wrote to my representatives in the state legislature

To Senator BrianTaniguchi & Representative Scott Saiki

I was informed that Bill SB 600, (the one that raises the age to buy a rfile from age 18 to age 21) is still alive.

It is a ridiculous law. A person is either an adult or not an adult.

If one is old enough to vote and join the military, then one is old enough to buy any gun.

I would also lower the drinking age to 18, even though I think getting drunk is one of the most ridiculous thing one can do.

Either a person is an adult or not an adult.

I am 24, so those age limits haven't applied to me for a few years. I could thumb my nose at those younger than me. I won't. But I also believe in a consistent philosophy - one is either an adult or not an adult.